Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Balbec is a Summer Place

Hmmmm. Another post where I cannot move the cursor to create a title. What's going on? This will require a trek through the help screens, maybe an email, maybe a session of head-banging.
Note: a seach of the issues revealed the title "problem" reported on 7/9/07 and a work-around, which you can see is actually working.

Proust, Monet, Balbec, etc.

More Balbec,memory and Ratatouille the movie--how weird the connections we make:

Summer even in Proustville. Noteworthy is that many of the Proust postings have move to the coastal town of Balbec. Can't be an accident. I plan to start reading those sections of the great narrative any day, having done with Donna Leon, Sue Grafton, Robert Parker and others. Vacation reading.


1 comment:

Michael Leddy said...

Balbec is great, Odette, some of the best stuff of the novel. Enjoy!

I'm back in Paris now (I mean I'm reading The Guermantes Way), having just gotten through a very long (100-page) afternoon at Mme de Villeparisis. (To me, the most difficult stretch in the novel.)